My IGCSE Design & Technology Project

In my IGCSE program, I chose Design & Technology as one of my specialization subjects that decide my future direction. The project was an open type, you can design and innovate anything you would like as long as you can be able to deliver it in year 11.

In my project, I designed a shelf that can both store mug and different types of dinnerware.

The first step of my project was to find my users and their pain points. Then, I used their pain points to design and innovate a product to solve their problem.

Once, I did that, I used that information to analyze my product’s market, existing products, ergonomic, appeal, dimension, material properties, etc.

The following photos are my summarized process of design, test, and implementation.

Experience for being a leader in last year

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As a team leader for both semesters last year, I had some leadership experiences in high school. But only for small or medium science, design and technology project. Not big business projects as we did so far in university. I had some challenges in being a leader in business subjects. First, commerce is not my strength. Second, there is some language barrier on communication (Thai language). However, those challenges don’t let me give up.

Summarize leadership experience from Entrepreneurship course to Marketing course

In the first semester of last year, I was randomly selected by our professor as a leader for the Entrepreneurship course. At that time, I knew I’m not familiar with the business; but I gave it a try. From the beginning of the first semester until the end of the first semester, I found that the way I worked with my teammates was quite different from what I did in high school. I have to reprogram my mindset to fit inside this new environment. Also, I learned a lot of new skills from my previous teammates on communication, management. Especially the technique my teammates spook during the public speaking process.

In the second semester of last year, We reordered our team members, leaders, and the content for our courses. This time, I decided to assign myself to be a leader again. Apart from learning new skills, I can expand my interpersonal network to understand more people and be friends with each other. Maybe one day, my friends can be my guide. In this course, we started to work with a real company. In my team, we worked with Banpu for planning their solar panel decentralization project, we provided them with our marketing strategy for solving their current problem. In the end, we got first place for providing the most reliable and executable strategy.

In this semester, I’m the leader again. We continue to work hard to provide the best-digitized solution for solving the profit issue for Singha’s subordinate restaurant during the Covid-19 situation.

For the conclusion, here are the personal views on the concept of being a leader:

1. The concept of being a leader is not to be the only rock star inside the team. The role of being a leader is to make sure the teammates are moving in the right direction. When the team gets a problem during the teamwork, the team leader has to produce an alternative strategy to prevent further issues.

2. Team leader has to understand the teammate’s situation. Before scheduling a team meeting, the team leader must know whether the meeting time is suitable for every teammate. Also, the team leader has to assign their teammates reasonably. Remember the people are not product line machines. We need time to have a rest. So, the team leader has to consider this.

3. Team leader has to let their teammates talk first. Then, decide whether their teammates’ decisions are suitable to implement for the teamwork.

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